1. *Disdain

Rodger worked hard in the company for 10 years to try to become manager, and he held disdain for the boss’s son who was made manager after one week of working in the company.

Disdain- to look down upon someone or despise them

2. *Domicile

Vanessa told me the address of her new domicile after she had moved.

Domicile – home, residence

3. *Economical

Smaller cars tend to be more economical when it comes to their use of fuel.

Economical- not wasting money, thrifty

4. *Flaunt

After losing 200 pounds, the woman was so excited to flaunt her new figure at her high school reunion in front of all who had bullied her in school.

Flaunt- to show off

5. *Frail

The frail elderly woman broke a bone in her back when she tripped over a rock.

Frail- weak

6. *Frugal

Rosa was very frugal with her money, making sure to watch for sales, cut coupons, and return bottles for recycling.

Frugal- not wasteful, being very careful with money, thrifty

7. *Ghastly

After being hospitalized for several weeks, Lou had a ghastly appearance.

Ghastly- horrible, frightful

8. *Grievous/Grievance

Finding out about the young child’s serious illness was grievous news.

The women filed a grievance against their employer for unfair treatment.

Grievance- a complaint against something viewed as wrong

9. *Hale

The 100-year-old woman is still hale despite her age since her last medical checkup showed no major health issues.

Hale- healthy


10. *Haughty

The haughty man considers himself better than everyone else.

Haughty- arrogant